★Travel Taitung★ 說GO就GO台東_太麻里金針山 Taimali Daylilies

LOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't they BEAUTIFUL???!!!

★Travel Taitung★ 說GO就GO台東_都蘭拉客棧

上一次去台東, 經山田精心挑選的民宿,
還帶我們去了秘密基地看星星 :D

這一次, 原本想要直接一樣, 就在山彩家住下去了!
結果我們真的是超容易被收買的!! (王大哥sorry! :P)

馬上決定跟隨她的腳步, 去美麗的都蘭走一趟
並且住在溫馨又可愛的都蘭拉客棧 :P

★Travel Taitung★ 說GO就GO台東_都蘭 Atolan Sunrise

The sunrises in Taitung 都蘭 is just. so. GORGEOUS!
It's sunrises deserve an entire dedicated post of its own!

★Travel Taitung★ 說GO就GO台東_The Magic Hour

The ever-changing beauty of the skies in Taitung are always incredibly breathtaking and full of surprises!! It wasn't until later on did I learn the term of that spectacular period of time, when the sun is setting on other side, the Magic Hour! (aka the Golden Hour!)

★Travel Taitung★ 說GO就GO台東_Taitung

Yeahhhhhhhhhhh Jenn and Janny's Three Days+Two Nights trip to Taitung was AWESOME!!!! :D

We had sooooooooooo much fun together!! We got to see soooo many amazing things, taste delicious food, meet incredible people, and enjoy the best out of each other!

I kept thinking about writing about all of this, but I almost can't seem to figure out where to start!! :P

It's amazing that we've known each other for SOOOO long now! Ten years and counting!

We used to all say that on the tenth year we know each other, we're gon take a trip SOMEWHERE together, but with the whole graduation, and friends spread out all over the world and stuff, it's just so difficult to get at!

But this time, there's no backing down! With Janny back in Taiwan, and over a quick cup of coffee, we decided to just get at it! Let's GO TAITUNG! :D

It actually felt like I just came back from Taitung not long ago, but I've been thinking about Eastern Taiwan ever since! It's such a beautiful part of Taiwan that still remains so mysterious and attractive to me! HENCE, after only like ... a short visit to a bookstore, and an afternoon "planning," we only had the entire trip ahead of us to look forward to!


★Travel★ 令人懷念的台東 :D

超期待! :D
