Okay ... so I figured that everyone only gets to be a newbie ONCE. It took me almost a month to get this, even with the generous advice and help people around me have been giving me, I only took it as they were helping me fit into THIS job, in THIS company, but hey guess what? It's really about assisting you goin through this phase change from academic to "the real life."
Here's one helpful post worth sharing: 15 Do's and Don'ts When Trying To Get (and Keep) A Design Internship or Assistant Position. But then of course it doesn't help clear your mind on some rules but rather it's a test and drive, challenges will keep hurling themselves at you, and for this beginning phase, it's guts and instincts!
另外, 最近在商業周刊上看到的一篇文章: 教你如何 「看、聽、想、問、做、學。」一進公司本來就是有很多都不會的,一切從零開始。現在和學生港近入學校時不一樣,曾經大家都是站在同一個起跑點,現在是大家都已跑得遠遠的,除了只好和其他新人比,看著遠方的學長姐試圖追上他們,或者就是自己找捷徑,跑出自己的路。