[rawrrrr David's ass! lol]
I have to say, this exhibition has been a surprising journey of coincidences. Starting with ... the Da Vinci Code.
Michelangelo ... starting off, he meant absolutely nothing to me. I was just interested in Leonardo Da Vinci, (sorry Michel) and mostly because of the ultimate best seller - The Da Vinci Code!!! (sorry to you too Potter lol) About a month ago before this exhibition was launched, I randomly started to reread the Da Vinci code AGAIN, and for the first time actually started looking into the history behind this Renaissance master. I THOUGHT that this exhibition was indeed "the Clash of the Titans" (which turned out to be only PART of the show) and all I wanted to see was Da Vinci instead of Michel!
Several books have been written on these art masters, but one intriguingly stood out to me - 王者之爭, by 謝哲青,而且是MA先生推薦的! One afternoon when we were hanging out in one such cafe, this very book was sitting right on a shelf opposite of us. Since then, (in the next 24 hours) all I could think about was purchasing it! And I didn't have to!!! It became a gift from Mason to me (L) Thanks sooooo much!!! Only that ... it probably came into my possession just a little too late, because I didn't have time to get therough the entire book before we actually went to the the exhibition. But it left me with much potential for imagination and fresh perspectives!
[ Rafael's School of Athens - Michelangelo as Heraclitus]
But it did build up enough vague impressions for me to guide me through today's works. Florence is becoming an even more attractive city to me now that I'm getting to know the masters of who were born of this city! I've also started to question my understanding of several discussions such as ... the Religion of which so many great works are based on, such as La Pieta and THE last Judgment. or Philosophy ... why Rafael might have portrayed Michelangelo as Heraclitus in his School of Athens, and the continuous mention of platonic love that Michelangelo embraces. ... or something like that.
[Does anyone see David's pupils as hearts like I do?]
Out of the many great sculptures, frescoes and sketches, my favorite is still ... I guess ... D to the AVID! I just totally love how Michelangelo really dives into the ideas behind the projects that he works on. Instead of just portraying the required themes, he always throws in a bit of a twist and comes up with something unexpected. Similar to the Battle of Cascina, with David, he's also chosen to depict the moment before the actual incident, the ready to burst energy, the fear, the commitment, the confidence and solemnity.
我們租借了蔣勳的導覽解說, 講的非常的好! 讓我們經由大師對藝術作品的揣測, 能夠以更深入的角度欣賞作品。About David ... 勝利只是打倒對方嗎?還是在災難前,看到生命的價值, 剎那間潛能的極限準備。
It's an extraordinary wonder. when distinct works of art stand out to you. That speaks out to you. Personally. That you may hold in your heart throughout your life. That may stand as a symbol of let it be encouragement, consolation or reminder of some sort.
[ohhhh the CROWD!!! and la Pieta]
你去看了米開朗基羅展了嗎? Have you too been furiously clicking away on your camera, eager to grasp every bit of this artistic genius? 好想知道那些瘋狂拍照的人看完展的感言喔 ...
更想知道大家看完展獲得了什麼收穫喔! :D