To: Amazing-Girl-#1-Zoe!
Ever watched Sex and the City? New York loves its brunch culture! When you wake up too late for breakfast everyday, brunch/lunch really boosts you up for the start of each day!
1 ★ Eatery - off near Serena's place, it's the second (first being Riposo :P but it was closed ...) place she'd take me to get a first taste of what New York's brunch tastes like! I was having such a great time catching up with having not seen each other in yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaars, I
can't really remember how good the food was lol
798 9th Ave (between 52nd St & 53rd St)
2 ★ Essex - so what do you do on a Christmas Day? You enjoy brunch food with free refill drinks (alcoholic of course! lol)
120 Essex St (between Delancey St & Rivington St)
3 ★ Sarabeth's - number one choice for SHS-ers to finally get together in New York! Good pick Peggy! The benedicts are DELICIOUS! especially when you pop the eggs so that the yolk spill out all over!
40 Central Park S
4 ★ Penelope - just when I start discovering my addiction to brunch in New York, we just had to pick out one from Yelp when the UF crew came over! Nicely recommended, considering the hundreds of people who've written up on it! Really get the burgers with BEEF and ONIONS! It's such a large serving though, that I had to bring my leftovers up 86 stories high on the Empire State Building afterwards lol.
159 Lexington Ave New York, NY 10079
5 ★ Peter Luger - UF crew get together! Woahhhh this is considerably much better than Ruth's and Chris (sorry guys lol) and somewhat cheaper too! The steak is soooooo tender! Especially on the first bite! The waiters would cut the steak for you and you can just watch all the JUICE spilling out! hmmmm! The bread is proof that the founder came to Taiwan, tried our 統一肉燥麵 and came back to the States to bake this bread! lol, we didn't get the chance to but Brooklyn would be worth visiting on the way here!
178 Broadway (between 6th St & Driggs Ave)
Brooklyn, NY 11211
6 ★ Joe's Shanghai - also known as 鹿鳴春!!! omg we just had to keep coming back here while we were in Flushing! Guess what our first meal of 2011 was? Lunch at 鹿鳴春! 兩面黃, good! 蟹肉小籠包, good! try everything except the 辣炒 wtv thing ... I didn't even touch that at all hahaha. I think there's one in Manhattan's Chinatown too, and one somewhere else. Really really do check it out if you're shopping around SOHO!
13621 37th Ave
Flushing, NY 11354
7 ★ Random 快餐 place - I don't even know why I'm mentioning this hahaha but I can't believe that they sell such cheap 雞腿飯 in Flushing! They have EVERYTHING in Flushing! Even 阿宗麵線 lol, but I didn't get that.
Ohhhh I just remembered, did I say that these brunches are our first boost of energy everyday? That is so not true! Because we just HAD to buy a 串 of 魚蛋 (lol!!) that's just off of Main St. Station in Flushing EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING! 有始有終! Ever since the first day the UF crew came over. Only that ... I didn't get to enjoy my last one cuz I left way too early on the last official day. Please go get that if you're in Flushing!
Most of these I bet you can enjoy for dinner too, but I would highly recommend you to fill yourself up before spending the rest of your day exploring the city!