Causing Scenes: Improveverywhere and Flash Mobs (Part 3)

In addition to Improvevewhere as collectives that cause scenes, or create opportunities for public participation and community awareness, Newmindspace is another awesome group that hosts massive events!

Their latest mission - Bubble Battle: Coney Island, inspired by Dr. Seuss's The Butter Battle Book is awesome!! Ohhhh the insanity!!

Probably their most inspiring project - Pillow Fight, has even gone international! A MASSIVE insane pillow fight party all over the world, even Taiwan participated! 帶著安全帽去打, 應該是只有台灣才有的景象吧?

Aaaand ... My all time favorite! LED Lightsaber Battle!!! :D ON GUARD!!!

Watch Newmindspace on Babelgum! Watch all videos on Babelgum!

