It always feels weird to be finally looking back, and saying all these thank you's! It's like finally admitting the end of a phase, and concluding: "Thank you, had a great time with you, you made an impact in my life, and I hope I did too in yours!"
Besides thanking the BEAUTIFUL weather in Florida, the on-going vibe and energy in all of the States, and the opportunities and chances this year has to offer, there are sooooo many people I'd wanna thank!!
So here we go!
♥ First of all, thanks to ♥MYSELF♥ for my own courage, enthusiasm and optimism towards everything that came along and everything that's yet to come :D 好棒喔! (自己拍肩)
(doing this in backwards order)
♥Mason♥ the best travel partner anyone can ask for!! You've made my entire trip, even before we actually MET, SOOOO much fun! "What would you do without me?" actually means "What would I do without YOU?" 其實我覺得 ... 我們那在飛機上的最後的幾小時其實是撐得過去, 不需要睡的! cuz we haven't ran out of stuff to share with each other yet :D
♥Tracy♥ 雖然是短短的一個禮拜一起玩, 還是很高興有機會一起旅行! hope you're loving Seattle too!
in California
♥Zoe♥ I know I LOOOOOOVE San Diego with all my heart, but I probably wouldn't have loved it as much if you weren't as enthusiastic about it as I was too!! 一定要再一起回去! Zumba!! Always soooo fun to have you around! Hope you' loved San Fran and please leave some time for me in Taipei!!!
♥Angel♥ you're the best tour guide ever!! I LOOOVED all the places you took us to! Thank you so much for being such a wonderful host! I've known you since I was what ... 4? 5? We are definitely keeping this up!
♥Ashley♥ WHAT would I do in L.A. without you???!!! hahahah it's so funny that we're all still the same!! please stay the same!! your new loft is only the first place! next stop, Beverly Hills! lol :P
♥Antonio♥ thanks for helping us out in this crazy city with its lousy transportation and crappy weather! lol, I'm glad that John has you as a friend!
♥Francis♥ It's so weird just typing your name in English, lol. Thanks for helping me make my stay in San Fran soooooo comfortable :D 一起去吃了好多東西, 看了好多東西, 逛了好多東西! SF不能沒有你! can't wait to see your Portfolio!
♥Anney♥ even though it was such a short get together, it's always great seeing you!! 也是剛好在我有心事的時候, 只要見面就能跟妳說 :)
♥Lorenz♥ omggg I wouldn't have seen that much of SF if I didn't have you to explore it with!
♥翠光姑姑 and Family♥ 謝謝姑姑帶我去了好多地方! 聽說很多是爸爸媽媽還有uncle們都去過的! 繞了地球這麼遠還是有家人的陪伴真開心!
in Seattle ... wonderful CS-ers!
♥Tobi, Lorenz, John♥ Thanks for taking me along such a spontaneous trip to Portland! I love just hanging around with you guys, despite the weather, despite the lack of plans :P
♥Gina♥ Thanks for being so much fun and so open-minded with hosting me in Seattle! I loved the places you showed me around (Bedlam!) and especially waking up in your beautiful apartment every morning! Thanks so much to your friend Jocelyn too for hosting me a wonderful stay in Portland!
♥Tony♥ I wouldn't have seen that much of Seattle without you! 你都不知♥道我那天一早接到你電話多高興,哈哈,因為原本那天是完完全全沒有計畫的!but you showed up and made it awesome! Thanks for teaching me so much too! 你一定會很成功的 :D
♥Krystal♥ hahahaha I had soooooooo much fun with you!!! I'm glad that ♥Debby♥ introduced us! I'm glad that I can tell you so much too! Look me up if you're ever in Taiwan! :D
in Wisconsin, ohhhh 怎麼辦, I'm so sorry, 但是你們Wisconsin真的是太多太多人啦!!! so ... (深吸一口氣!)
♥芝潔♥ 耶~~~還好我們是同時間一起出來!! 還有妳可以一起陪我交換心得!! 還幫我定好我的多年好友! 你們真的是讓我太surprised了啦!!! 哈哈哈, 快點快點, 該約出來了!!! :D
♥Davy♥ 你你你你你你!!! 我跟你說我跟你說!! 你們最好給我好好的! or else ... !! 哈哈, 唉唷不過, 還好Madison有你們! 真的是冰天凍地的地方, 就是要你們的陪伴!
♥SK♥ 大廚! I love your quiche! Best thanksgiving ever! and thanks for taking me all around the city, no matter rain or shine! :D
♥Debby♥ 還好上官有妳 哈哈, thanks for the support from all the way in Wisconsin while I was in Seattle!
♥Vivian♥ 真的是上中大集合耶!!! good to know you guys are all doing so well now!
♥Kevin and Kitty♥ 哈哈哈哈謝謝你讓我們Tracy姐在那裏過得那麼開心! 認識你們真開心! 快點回台灣我們一起出去唱歌! :D
♥一成 and Leona♥ I doubt that's really how your name is written :P but thanks for the wonderful thanksgiving dinner at your place! 從來沒有過過thanksgiving, 那樣真不錯! 還有在紐約的surprise! 哈哈 :D
in Chicago
♥Michael♥ (okay fine ... you can be part of this Chicago group :P) 有沒有在喝???!! 快喝!!! 哈哈哈哈, 你少裝低調了! 需要你HIGH! 真的很好玩! 看什麼時候還有機會我們再一起travel!! :D
♥Ezen♥ hey hey! I just HAVE to still think about you, and how you're doing now in non-Florida Miami! lol. 遇見妳真的讓我更期待旅行中這樣的巧遇 :D Thanks for the pictures!
♥Eric♥ thanks to you and your family for being such a wonderful home while we're in Chicago!! Please filter those Kinect pictures, they are our secret! lol! Can't wait to see Lola when she grows older!!! :D
♥Lis♥ Buenos Dias!! Chicago needs you!!! lol, I really think I love Chicago more the second time because you joined us in our city tour! (or more like walk the 100 miles of Michigan Avenue tour, lol) Thanks for being so much fun!!! aaand I gotta say this again: I love your baby girl :D
in New York and Boston
♥Peggy♥ what would I do in New York without you??? Thanks for being there for BOTH of my stays, giving me the best recommendations and best updates to the city! and most of all, for all the phone calls that keep me alive while I'm in Florida! Love u!!!
♥Serena♥ thanks for "taking me in" when I wandered New York's streets lol, soooo happy for you on your designer of the year thing!! I'll be looking forward to the day that you and Grace collaborate to design my wedding dress! lol
♥Grace♥ New York is so fun with you girls, all the parties and shopping, and food!!! I hope you girls stay there so that I'll always have someone to look up when I get to be in the city again!
♥Mandy♥ 還好有妳跟我一起在紐約給她們New Yorkers帶著當觀光客! 哈哈, 就是要你跟我一起在她們熟悉到爛掉的城市裡 "哇啊啊啊這裡好棒喔!" :D
♥Tina babe♥ I THINK you already know how much I love being in the city with you! Oh mannnnn you've seen me at my worst, throwing up all over the streets of Manhattan, crouching in your living room (more like DYING room) with our FRIES and talking shit about all guys and life lol. Get those letters delivered soon!!!♥Natalie♥ ohhhhhhhh nooooo I can't believe you've already gone skydiving without me!! We SO have to do it again! Next time in Hawaii then!! Thanks so much to have me bring those macarons over to Boston lol. Boston could not have been more random and laid back with you there :P
♥Kuan♥ I really wish I could get to see you more!! There's always so much catching up to do! I miss those hugs! :D Don't be too hard on yourself, remember to have fun!!
♥Lim♥ clam chowder! sticky pix! neurology?? and all other random stuff, it's the most fun with you too! Thanks for letting me lounge all over your campus! It's like we've never parted! I can't believe you're in university now too!! Hopefully I'll earn enough money to be at your graduation! :D
♥Pris♥ woowwww we REALLY hit it off real well!! Thanks for the awesome nights in the City together! I had SUCH a great time at the concert and oooooh our chocolate dinner!! Thanks for being a chocolate lover too! lol. Hope you're doing great wherever you are now and hopefully we'll get to meet up again sometime, somewhere!!
in Canada
♥Tiffany♥ OH. my. God. SERIOUSLY!!! who would have EVER thought that after allllll these years we'd be meeting up in CANADA! I've flown like half way around the globe to meet up with you just happened to be somewhere close to Ottawa!! or we'd just have missed out on each other again just like that! You know what ... I can't completely express my enthusiasm then and even now with just words. so let's just keep it ... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
♥Adam♥ I don't think my first CS experience would be as amazing if I didn't have you as our host!! Thanks for helping us out so wholeheartedly throughout our trip in Ottawa with all our unexpected challenges! Thanks for popping open the red wine for us, I'll always remember the wonderful talk we had together that night! Thanks for opening my mind on travelling, honestly, so come visit Taiwan sometime! I'll host you!
♥美琪老師♥ 哇啊啊啊啊啊到加拿大還可以找妳, 真的太棒了!! 看到你兒子也長好大了! 才想到我們其實也都差不多要大學畢業了呢! 時間過得好快喔! 希望老師快點在加拿大拿到公民! 快回來參加我們畢業典禮 :D
♥Christopher♥ lol, I just HAVE to add you in on this, because you were there to share my anxiety, frustration, and most of all, the most absurd situation I've ever been in!! I don't think I'd have looked back at this with more optimism and relief if it wasn't for you! Didn't you say you'll be closer to me next semester?? Come visit sometime!!
in Florida
all you DCP people!! Sustainability and Design is so much more exciting and interesting, has so much more hope and feasibility, when I think of you guys!
♥Jescelle♥ I really hope you'll share your Good Life with me if you're any step closer to it, which I'm pretty sure you are! I bet you're having a blast in Nantucket, something to really take your mind off now since the game's over! lol. I'm glad you were there for all the performances we'd attend, for all the procrastinating that takes so much stress off myself, and for just all the random fun we have together! :D
♥Jana♥ you know we always need you when we have David in the same group to hold him down lol, I always love seeing you in class, or even just running into you outside of class :D Plus all the random stuff we'd go to, the yoga and performances and stuff. Hope to see you on youtube or something with your stretchy in-the-air thing (what's it called again? lol)
♥RJ♥ your card's the sweetest farewell gift I've ever received :D thanks for being such a great friend throughout this year! You know how much fun we always have out of joking around about Andrew lol. I admire you for not having facebook but you should really sign up for it so that I can stalk you, especially when it's your turn to graduate!!
♥Andrew♥ hey mannnnnn I can't believe you didn't make it to our last get-together thing! Look me up when you're back here ok? Always lots of fun to just see you go "awwww mannnn" or "what did she say again?" lol! Keep the groove up!
♥David♥ what would I do in all our classes without you? You make all the classes we take together so much more fun :D plus it's awesome being in the same group with you hehe. Whenever friends ask me now about Americans vs. Chinese people, I'd always get the Karate Kid flashback lol
♥Caitlin♥ awww I never got to go to the Atlantic with you! But thanks for making everything seem so much more relaxed and easier haha. You were a great team leader for our Witters thing! We definitely were the Most Fun Team!!
♥Amanda♥ ohhhh you're the most out-going, animated girl I've been around with! SO much fun to have you around! Even though we didn't wind up going to Miami together but I'm sure we'll work out the chance to travel somewhere together!!! Come visit Taiwan!!! You'll LOVE it here!!
♥Shawn♥ I'll always be keeping those drinks/dinner on my mind! Will be working hard towards the chance we'd get to grab them wherever that may be! Really cool to have you around throughout this year! Have a great no-plan-do-nothing summer!
♥Michelle♥KK♥Megan♥Kristin♥Tricia♥ You girls are soooooo much fun! Hotlanta was AWESOME! Thanks for all the fun and good times over this year! I really wish I can make it to your weddings!! :D
♥Jason♥ yayyyy you're an awesome desk buddy! hehehe, New York was wonderful for having hear you out first, honestly!
♥Team Studio 316 - Amanda, Ashley and Nick♥ thanks for being an awesome, easy to get along with team! I've learnt quite a lot from you guys!
♥曉濛♥陳穎♥愛寧♥黎亮♥陳丹♥ 紐約有你們真好!!! 在UF有你們真好!!! 真的很開心, 到處走, 到處可以聊! 謝謝你們 :) 要加油啊啊啊!
♥Bo♥ 說真的, 你就像我在每一堂課裡都能夠依靠的梁柱一樣! 謝謝你~~~for being there :)
♥all you LA people♥ Congrats on finally getting the capstone over with and graduating!! Even though I haven't gone through it myself, but I know what a killer it is to graduate from this major! Good luck for whatever comes after graduation
aaaand GCCC people!
♥Eunice♥Phyllis♥Jed♥Dr. Teo♥ thanks for all the guidance and support you have given me no matter it be every meeting or just whenever I feel lost, I'd think of you all! Thank you :)
♥彥廷♥ 每個禮拜都超期待見到你的! 謝謝你都超認真回答我一堆超幼稚的問題 哈哈 :P 還有還有, 一起打球也超好玩的! 在UF還有好幾年阿, 好好加油喔! 有機會回台灣記得找我!
♥佳穎♥ 哇啊啊啊我要聽你所有在San Diego的事情!!! 我超愛那裡的! 好羨慕你啊!!! 要謝謝"全新的你"這段時間的陪伴! 台中見!
♥不願公開你location的你♥ 哈哈哈怎麼辦, 我剛猶豫了一下, 還是保護一下你目前的位置好了 哈哈, 相信你知道你自己是誰! 謝謝這一年有你, 感覺就像個大哥哥一樣, 都要聽我幾哩瓜啦一堆有的沒有的, 回答我一堆有的沒有的問題, 尤其是最後我們彼此攤開分享, 真的是讓我對於在那裡的一切鬆了一大口氣! 也希望你之後一切順利, 開心 :)
♥Jim♥ first of all, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it back to meet you in time, but I'm sure we'll get another chance some time!! Thanks so much for everything, especially for the last dinner thing! I'm keeping those notes forever! They REALLY made me smile :) Thanks for being so Approachable!
♥偉寧♥Shelly♥Terrence♥舒帆♥ 唉呀呀呀你們好好玩啊啊啊! 怎麼沒有早點認識你們! 偉寧你要好好陪伴Shelly他們啊!! 也真心希望你們可以好好趁在那裏的時間把Florida/美國玩透透! 我期待看你們的照片啊!
♥all you GCCC people♥ woahhhh this could REALLY take a long time if I really listed everyone one by one! But each of you have made an impact on my life, I've learnt from every single one of you, from all the talks, sharing and everything. Thanks so much for being like a second home to me in Florida!
♥小風 and 煒策♥ 謝謝你們在我剛到UF的時候, 真的是盡了學長姐的責任, 真的謝謝你們的照顧! 小風, 學姊啊, 有你真好!! 哈哈! 只有你懂我們所有不管是所有熬夜啊設計啊什麼的辛苦 :P 祝你快快順利畢業! 祝煒策工作順利! 加油加油!
♥惠齡♥ 我傳說中的室友! 哈哈, 謝謝這一年有你! 我們一起克服了好多有的沒有的問題啊! 哈哈, 真的很棒的室友 :) 我覺得其實你知道, 每次我心情不好的時候我們一起出去吃飯, 去逛逛, 都會馬上好轉很多! 另外, 跟妳男朋友說, 謝謝他的面膜! 哈哈, 跟他聊天很開心!
♥Kuma♥ thanks for letting me know that I can be so much better than I thought. 其實我覺得我知道你要幹嘛, 真的不用了謝謝. 但如果你真的要做, 就開心的做吧
♥Jason♥Terry♥Winnie♥喬喬♥昆達♥邦緯 and Irene♥ 每次看到你們大家庭的樣子都好開心喔!! 謝謝你們這一年來的照顧, 不管有的沒有的大大小小的事, 一起出去玩, 一起看球賽! 真的是做UF學長姐的好榜樣 :)
♥Pupu♥小鋁♥大軍♥Jonathan♥Finfin♥所有UF的學長姐們♥ 欸 ... 我真的沒有辦法一個一個的去列啦你們所有在這一年陪伴我, 幫助我, 帶我出去玩的學長姐們! 每次都覺得真的是要好好跟你們學習, 把你們所有玩過的我也要玩一回! 哈哈! 畢業的, 恭喜你們畢業啦!! 還沒畢業的, 你們還有彼此以及很多很棒的學弟妹陪伴! 加油! 謝謝你們 :)
♥大景♥Justin♥宗聖♥Betty♥志明♥你們龐大的化工團♥ 這我也沒有辦法一個一個列因為你們太龐大啦啊啊啊啊啊哈哈! 但是真真要說: 所有有你們的活動都超好玩的! Justin有你超HIGH! 大景, 宗聖, 你們知道的事太多啦! 應該要殺人滅口才對! 哈哈, 但是謝謝你們大家讓我在不管什麼情況還是保持最自然最真實的自己 :)
♥彥璋♥伯原♥大成♥偉傑♥ One word: AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 哈哈哈 New York couldn't have been better without you guys! 知道不管什麼事, 在Florida都有你們在真好!! 特別感謝彥璋and伯原隨call隨到! 真是辛苦你們了! thank you guys~~~ (偷抱)
♥Joanna and Crystal♥ 還好剛到UF就有你們在! 雖然同樣在UF只有待短短的一年, 祝你們在未來的所有一切順利! 保持開朗樂觀 :D
♥Olivia♥ 那幾天真的不知道如果沒有你該怎麼辦, 謝謝妳幫助我們這麼多, 也謝謝妳這一年的照顧! 多送妳一顆♥ :D
♥跟我破紀錄聊天的你♥ 一切一切真的很謝謝你! 真的很期待之後你也要到處旅行到處玩的照片! 一定也會很精彩!!
♥John♥ 哈哈哈你再怎麼客氣我們還是要陪你搬家! 真的因為你造就來太多我在UF好棒的緣份! 我們自己也要保持連絡啊! 不知道你後來怎樣, 祝你順利畢業喔!
a whole load of amazing friends!
♥Aaron♥ you know ... I'm thinking you should be right in the GCCC group, but I THINK you'd know that you're much much more special to me!! hahahaha omgggg you really bring out all the energy and excitement in me lollll I really don't know how I'm going to hold it up when you're going to be here PERMANENTLY! you'll have to bail me out of the hospital from overdose laughter and craziness lol
♥賀菲 and 鐵杆♥ 要不是當時面試有遇到你們, 還真不知道會不會真的去UF呢!! Thanks sooooo much for all your help, plus all your company while you guys were in Florida. 真希望下半學期也有你們! 不過恭喜你們準時畢業! 快點回臺北吧我要找你們!
♥于涵♥Michael♥ 同樣, 感謝有你們交換夥伴們! I love all our get-togethers! 超羨慕你們兩個全球跑透透的 :D Hope you guys are having fun! 回台灣要聯絡喔!!
♥Juliana and Gilson♥ ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my god I always have so much fun with you guys!! I can't believe you guys had to leave just after the first semester! Gilson! I miss your laugh! and Juliana! Thanks for always hearing me out! I also want to thank you guys in advance IF I really get to go to Brazil for the next world cup! I'm already in love with Brazil because of you guys! :D
♥Nicolas♥ it really is out of luck that we'd get to know each other! Krishna and Mochi has become even more memorable because of you! Hope you're enjoying your intern, and I hope you'd be back in Chile by the time I earn enough money to travel there!
♥Guyana♥ I really can't express how grateful to have met you in our class! You've been a wonderful friend to me in UF! Thanks for all the company, comfort and guidance you've given me over this time. I'm still searching for my way but it's always been hopeful because I'd think of you whenever I feel lost :) Keep in touch!
♥Alicia and Pablo♥ I'm really glad I met you guys through all these parties and stuff we all like to attend so much! Pablo, keep those parties going! They're way more meaningful to other parties I hear going on. and Alicia, I'm glad we have so many friends in common! I'm sure it'll be a LOT of fun to travel with you, let's save up for Germany!
♥Midori♥ I honestly doubt I would survived this year in Florida as well if I hadn't met you!! You're the best thing that came upon in UF! :D Thanks to John for this mostly haha. But it's just AMAZING how well we hit it off right at the start and from every single time we'd get to hangout together, they're always soooo memorable! Thanks for always hearing me blab on and on about all stuff that might just be insignificant to you, but you're always taking it real well. I'm glad that there are SO much more things in common than we thought! Hope you'll enjoy the rest of your time in Florida, and IF anything happens, you know we've always got that email thread going!
♥Debbie♥ 親愛的~~~真得覺得還好妳有轉來UF!!! 我們真得幾乎從來沒有停止過耶! 從你一來, 我們就活動好多好多, 一起去了好多好多地方, 吃了好多好多東西!! 哈哈哈, 真的會想念跟妳一起在那咖啡廳, 有妳在那裡真的像我的避難所一樣, 有妳真好 :) 雖然我們回來之後都各自面對許多新的難題, 但是你知道的, you can always look me up! 加油喔 (抱)
finally ... in TAIWAN and everywhere else
♥All teachers/professors/staff in UF♥ Thanks for all your help and guidance throughout this year! I wouldn't have gotten through a lot of most classes without your support and I've really learnt a lot from each of you! Thank you!
♥所有在臺灣的老師and學長姐們♥ 在出國前, 謝謝所有老師與學長姐們的鼓勵與支持, 在這一年也謝謝大家的關照! 以後一樣要請老師與學長姐們多多指教! :)
♥教育部♥ 這是一定要的! 謝教育部提供的獎學金讓我有這個機會出國到處看看到處學學到出玩玩! :D
♥美麗新世界♥ 當然要超級感謝妳們的呀~~~~~~~~~!!! 謝謝這一年來不斷為我及時更新所有八卦, 所有大家的喜怒哀樂, 所有妳們每個人自己的一堆要分享的東西! 偶爾自己問題太多時, 就想想你們的問題 哈哈 :D 這一年真的是看見大家變得越來越美麗, 可以嫁了啦! 最最最感謝的是在離開前以及在回來的時候都有妳們精心準備的surprise!! 是這一段旅程最棒的開始, 也是難忘的結束! 謝謝妳們~~~
♥美麗新世界番外篇 (or凱培說是閒雜人篇)♥ 哈哈哈我想你們都知道你們自己是誰! 這一年來好好照顧我們家人, 也一直給在美國的我很大的支持的你們! 還有沒事就陪我講一堆有的沒有的你們 (大嘴時間太多啦!) 哈哈 thank uuuuu 要畢業的, 畢業快樂! :D 還沒畢業的, 明年繼續好好陪我啦!
♥所有在台灣/在上海/在日本/在世界各地的朋友♥ 你們所有在msn, 在skype, 在facebook, 在gchat, 在whatsapp的朋友! 你們就像我每天的精神食量一樣! 真的是thank youuuuuu all!
♥Alex♥ you deserve one all by yourself! because we've kept that thread going on for ooooooooooooooooomygod knows how long! lol! I was SO THRILLED for you when you got to go on your own exchange and instead of the usual pulling all-nighters and design shit we can complain about so much more new stuff! lol!
♥小O♥ 也要特別謝謝小O!!! 今年一直會不時想起當時我在掙扎猶豫的時候, 妳跟我說 "妳就不要十年後問我 '為什麼我當時沒有去?' " :D 所以我就去啦!!! and had the time of my life! ♥♥♥ 小O說人要活得有夢想! 真真一定陪你追!
saving the best for last ... 親愛家人 :D
♥林柏華♥ 你不要以為只有你會用人家本名嘿! 哈哈哈, 搞什麼自以為大男人的小男孩, 說什麼有事都可以跟你說, 你卻都不跟我說! :P 哈哈哈不過說真的, 你可能已經忘記了, 可是有收到你的留言我都超感動的! thank u!
♥爸爸♥ 今年真的看爸爸好像過的好很多! 心情比較好, 身體也比較健康! 朋友說得沒錯, 我們出國讀書的身體要顧好, 但家人沒有出國的更是要把自己照顧好, 不要讓我們擔心了! :D
♥奶奶 and 所有家人♥ 謝謝今年所有家人對娃娃的關心以及鼓勵! 是我一直持續的動力!
♥媽媽♥ 最後的最後, 要感謝最親愛的媽媽! 在我每次需要有人講話的時候, 都知道一定可以打給媽媽! 然後心情就會好個100倍! 謝謝媽媽不斷的鼓勵與支持! 知道我們家每個人都在各自為不同的事情一直很努力, Bobby剛上高中, 爸爸在北京, 媽媽又一堆課與活動接不完, 真的感覺到大家都很努力, 啊啊啊 ... 這真的是一言難盡 :P 反正要給媽媽一個大大的擁抱! :D 謝謝~
oh my god ... this has taken me at least 24 hours to complete! I know there must be TONS of people I didn't get to mention, but I think you all know how much I would want to thank each of you! So, Thank you all!
This year has been AWESOME!! Thank you Florida!!
It's time for me to write something like this!!!
回覆刪除I'll start working on it after my final="=
回覆刪除I`m so happy to hear from you! It was grgeat to read all you wrote and remember the good times we had and the fun people that crossed our way. It`s really a pitty it was such a short trip! I also had lots of fun with you and it`s been more than a plesure to meet you and hear all your histories. I felt really good for you trusting me. I shall never forget you, and if I ever get the chance to go to Tawain I should let you know! I`m certainly waiting you for the World cup!!! You can come and couch surf with me!!!
如果媽媽回到你的年紀,不知道是否也有相同的勇氣與能力,在很短的時間內決定去迎接這樣一個陌生的環境;然後,你獨立地上飛機、安排自己的住宿、處理所有的入學事宜、自己安排旅行.....哇,你真的很棒。在這將近一年的時間,看到你各方面的學習與成長、感受到你這麼勇敢地克服各種挑戰與難熬的moment....媽媽深感驕傲與佩服。Life is a journey of experience,媽媽希望你總是健康、快樂、開心、幸福,並心懷感恩。