YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY finally we've got our own Free Hugs event! And I got to cross #95 off my list!
That was such an awesome day! I loved every single smile we earned from every single hug that we gave up! It was so great to see so many people actually charging up towards us wanting a hug too! Adorable kids and BEAUTIFUL smiles! Even better, it was Christmas Eve, so we really had something ready to shout out to everyone we met :)
My favorite pics from that day! Thanks to our awesome photographer, Jeff!
ready made signs!
passerbys, they love taking pics with us! :P
"what are you guys doing inside my door?!"
my specially made sign for the kids!!
These hugs, we really mean them!!
No matter young or old, everyone deserves some love!
Trying to hug the impossible :P
She's so cute!!
"Oh my god! We've got the same signs!!"
Spicing up other peoples' events!
After this day, it makes me realize that people really are inherently good and beautiful, and everyone can be approachable, all they need is to bring down their shield of comfort through such ways :)
Oh~ Jenn!
回覆刪除I miss U so much!
Free Hugs is great! U are so COOL!