[世界公民島] Open Village - April

soooooooooooo I've realized that I haven't written anything in a while, and I'm thinking its about time to get this going on again. :D

Today was 世界公民島 Open Village's second event for this coming month - April. And almost like last time, there were many fantastic talks given by even more awesome travelers, sharing their past experiences and what they've learnt. One thing I learnt from this time's event, which is quite obvious actually, is that each time's experience and what you'd be able to learn and gain from it is always quite quite different. since its different groups of people, and different topics obviously. lol. Which is why I think is what makes every month's event so worth going to. because you'd never know what you might gain :)

One thing I loved from today was when 藍健偉, one guy who rode his bike from 西安 to 烏魯木齊, when he mentioned a quote from the movie 練習曲:


with his own add-on:


Which is just exactly about finding your passion and following it :)

I think everyone today at this event would have realized each other's passion for traveling, but then, just as everyone's different, there are many different ways of traveling. Some people ride their bikes, some people record their travels with sounds, some people Couchsurf all the way ... so maybe its not just about where you go and who you meet anymore, but about finding the best way of traveling, that you can most enjoy yourself and be filled with the most unforgettable memories!

I just loved Lizzy's comment on me sharing a book I was just flipping through yesterday, Travel Therapy by Karen Schaler, sharing a quote by Charles Baudelaire:

This life is a hospital in which every patient is possessed with a desire to change his bed. 
(Charles Baudelaire)

Hence, we travel. But wouldn't it be best if in life, none of us were patients but all healthy individuals, only possessed with a desire for better health ... Travel then would be the best vitamin!

