難得的一個連假, we just had to grab on to this opportunity to head to the East side, AGAIN! Except that this is my first time traveling to one of the outer islands, although, Taiwan is in fact another island haha. 綠島!
Also, Woohoooooo our First Hitchhiking experience! And it's been AWESOME! :D Although, of course, we couldn't have possibly hitched a ride from Taitung to 綠島 :P There are so many people to thank along the way, who many of them most likey, we might never meet again. That's what makes them such beautiful strangers. People that we might recall from the best of memories years later, and who might think of us from time to time afterwards, because of such an experience :D
Thanks for all these people who had the courage, generosity and modesty to have been such great experiences!
Along the way
★from 宜蘭 to 南方澳, thanks to 陳先生and 陳太太, who took us casually around 宜蘭, to visit 陳先生's old high school which is now already a military marine base and to ... is it 北濱公園? :P most of us, for giving us hope and confidence for the rest of our trip to trust strangers to be generous enough to take us along the way
★from 南方澳 to 清水斷崖, thanks to 羅先生 and Family, who were nice enough to pick us up in the most dangerous of all places along 蘇花公路 :P
★from 清水斷崖 to 花蓮, thanks to 朱先生, who became our fastest ever record to hitch a ride, JUST as we held up our newly made sign to get to 花蓮! Also my first experience to ride in one of these blue delivery trucks, sitting up front! YA!
★from 花蓮 to 鹿野, thanks to 楊先生 and 楊小妹, for giving us the most comfortable and smoothest ride of all! Taking us directly all the way down Route 9, and even having lunch together at 池上!
And on our way back,
★from 富岡漁港 going up north to 台東成功, thanks to 李先生, for just bringing us along the way as he headed home towards 成功, and teaching us so much about his job and all kinds of information about Eastern Taiwan :P Talking non-stop all the way, he's kept us interested and awake all the way!
★from 成功 to 花蓮, thanks to 蘇先生, for the most sophisticated and informative ride all the way. Teaching us even MORE kinds of stuff about this side of the island, about his hometown, and sharing his own experiences of traveling ad getting around!
★finally, just the shortest ride, (but a hella long walk) to 花蓮火車站, thanks to the anonymous couple who, without hesitation, invited us into the car just to get us to the train station :D
We brought these adorable 橘子好朋友 with us, hoping to give as gifts to people we'd meet along the way! hahaha :P They must have made an impression!
Incredibly, all these wonderful mentionedpeople above, NONE of the have the same last names, and not even similar jobs! From this, we'd truly feel that ... if I remember this phrase correctly, 一樣米養百樣人! :P 也深深覺得, 很多人的過去, 我們都來不及參與, 短暫的相遇卻或許能夠留下美好的記憶 :D
You people are awesome, 給你們一個讚!!! :D