Salvador Dali in Taipei

This month, we went to the Dali Exhibition in Taipei, 中山紀念堂! Rarely do I actually dedicate this much of my time to getting to know an artist! I've always found it incomprehensible the CROWDING amount of visitors a visiting exhibition can get whenever they come to Taipei. There really are that many people into this stuff? Or is it ... as some people term it ... 假文青. lol.

[via my friend's iPhone!]

But I genuinely enjoyed this one! I vaguely remembered having been to one of his exhibitions loooong long ago. There was a Dali museum in Florida too, but I never got to visit that one. This time's though, I just fell head over heels in love with this guy. 

I may not be able to fully appreciate his craziness or genius, but these are works of art that I'd actually WANT to understand. All the symbolic items that appear in his works ... drawers for sexual desires, canes representing helplessness, and soft watches are the relative time that's undetermined ... or something like that. 

I may not understand every concept the artist is trying to express, but I can sense maybe how the Spanish landscapes have influenced his use of colors filling his paintings. Or at least, that will be forever how I'd picture the country he's from, until I get to visit for myself. Another thing worth noting is, no matter how dreamlike his works depict his surreal mind, they're always WITH a horizon, IN a landscape, with a sky and ground, apparent with a visual perspective, unlike how I'd typically imagine dream scenarios, which would be ungraspable events, people or dreams that float around without meaning, without destination, without form.

[source] [doing my homework before going to see Dali]



說好的, 如果要聚餐或是慶祝什麼的時候, 不要再吃什麼吃到飽, 什麼燒烤之類的 ... 我們的異國料理second round! @水鳥52, 真的是太太太太太好吃了~~~~~~~~~超級推薦!

據說, "水鳥"有三個分店, 都有不同的風格, 不同的價位, 但都是走歐式風的餐點! 
昨天我們這家在關渡, 好久沒有搭紅線了唷!

網路上到處紀錄美食的人實在是太多了, 感謝有他們才能讓我們找到這麼棒的地方! 不過我們自己並不是什麼美食專家, 照片就拍普普而已嘛! 不過真的真的真的非得推薦這個不可: 

他們的羊排實在是太好吃啦!!! OMG~~~~~~~~~~~(drool)

[環島中, 請微笑 :D]


We are Mason and Jenn! :D
你也在環島嗎??? 我們這是第一次喔喔喔!
如果在旅途中遇到我們,請幫我們加油! 也幫大家祈求個好天氣吧!!! 
Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Have a WONDERFUL day! 

I Love Taiwan X

I'm just having one of the best mornings today! (please don't mention the seven days countdown til when everything is due! ahhhh!) 

I absolutely loved what Mason shared with me yesterday, this guy trying to get a certain number of pictures of people throwing their hands up in the air and expressing their love for Taiwan. I LOVE these social media ideas :) 

So I just had to put up my own picture too :D